
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. i made cookies this afternoon for what may possibly be the first time. they turned out well which does volumes for my self-esteem. not really. it's still status quo, holding fast at near nothingness. but it is a step in my journey towards self-sufficiency. now i can be confident in the fact that should i ever need to bake something, i can make cookies. maybe next i'll bake myself a fucking cake.

cedar and i went out last night. we went to see the ring and while we were waiting for the movie to start and joking about our search for the big jesus (pronounced hey-suess, if you want to achieve the full effect) and this girl who was there by herself just joined in to our conversation about how the christians would take us away in their space ship. and then when the movie started this chick kept making comments outloud but to herself. when anything suspenseful began to unravel she would start going, "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." and cedar and i thought this chick was hilarious but i'm sure the other two girls in the theater were really pissed. but the best part was when the horse goes crazy on the ferry and then jumps into the water and is chopped up in the propeller. this girl started laughing hysterically, like a fucking maniac, i was laughing so hard i couldn't breathe. she was great.

and then we went and got something to eat and spent the entire time trying to make our waiter uncomfortable by alluding to the fact that we were together, which we always do to some degree when we go out together, just to get a rise out of people. we had a really good time. it was really nice.

amanda told cedar yesterday that she was in love with me. and, thank god, cedar bluntly told her that she should just give it up because i didn't like her at all and thought she was a complete dork. and then amanda wanted cedar to promise not to tell me, but cedar said that, no, she had to tell me now that she knew. so i'm sure that amanda is really embarrassed now. but i don't really feel bad. amanda is an idiot. cedar told me that she would be more comfortable being hit on by the guy in her computer class that likes her than by amanda. i'm glad she came to her senses.

but i don't think amanda's little obsession is really. she's just like donny, going after any guy that he thinks is gay because he's lonely and stupid, an incredibly bad combination. amanda just wants . . . hell, i can't even imagine what she wants. but i sure as hell don't want her. and if i'm not mistaken, i do believe that this has been explained to her on multiple occasions.

i'm gonna go have a fucking cookie now.

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