
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. Anna: I didn't tell her that I feel like screaming at her everyday.

Cedar: My friends drive me fucking crazy.

Anna: I love Cedar to death, but goddamn . . .

Cedar: I love them, but I want to kill them all of the time.

Anna: It's just stressful.

Cedar: I need a break.

Hey. I think we're onto something here. Something tells me that this wasn't really meant to be.

I actually feel pretty good right now because I've had a lot of things lifted from me. The whole thing with Cedar and then the subsequent introduction of Ariel took a lot of pressure off of things and then my obsession with Bridget dissolved. So at the moment, I am free from all sorts of insane emotions and that's all right with me. The absense of drama is not something that I mourn.

"I'll make some coffee, put on some eyeliner, I think I'll find that things are fine and they're gonna get much finer"

-Le Tigre from "Much Finer"

I'd just like to say 'fuck you' to the two whiny little bitches that decided not to show up for work today. Everyone knows you weren't sick and everyone knows (except you, maybe) that you're getting closer and closer to getting fired. So don't bitch to me the next time I see you about how everyone hates you because I do too.

I spent eight and a half hours today eating gummi bears and snapping at customers. I've had it with idiot shoppers. I hate my job. I was adding it all up, and it turns out that I've spent 55 hours of this lovely spring break week at the big fucking K. I think it's understanable disillusionment. Note to self: try to find a tolerable job the next time around. It's all right. I surely won't be a lifer (not that Kmart will be around that long) Only five months and I'm done with the Kresge family corporation FOREVER.

My parents are having dinner with some of our psycho church members. Which means that I've spent my Saturday night with an eight month old with an earache and a three year old with a fever. I'm so glad my family is back. I really missed playing junior mom. It was really bad this morning. I was trying to get a little breakfast before work and the baby kept running into me with her walker, so I picked her up, the diaper stayed in the walker and there was baby shit all over my last clean shirt. Just fucking great.

Delightful, isn't it? Aren't you glad I shared?

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