
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. Secret confession #2: I read Cedar's last entry and . . . ummm . . . laughed my ass off even thought I realize that it was not meant to be funny at all. I'm just not good with this sort of stuff.

As I was standing at the service desk tonight staring out at all the sale signs and the bad midways and the crowded aisles, I realized that Kmart is nothing more than the supreme discount/liquidator store. What a shithole. It's no wonder the customers are always pissed off and the employees even more so. But I get to stand around and bitch about the stupid shit that people do all to the tune of $6.85 an hour, so I guess it's not all that bad. It could be worse.

Karl now knows where to find my diary and I have this sinking feeling that he will let something slip when Bridget is around. And then I will have to kill him. Oh yes, that's a warning my little boy diva.

I'm feeling really lonely right now and that's impeding my ability to think.

I think I'm going to go downstairs, break out the crayons and color myself a girlfriend.

last - next
