
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. I'm all decked out in my hair-dying attire: the stained jeans that fall off my ass and my goo goo dolls (yes, I know they're a horrid band) concert Tshirt that I got in eighth grade. It's so worn now that I'm sure the people driving past on the street can distinctly make out my nipples. Whatever. I only mention the shirt because while I was sitting around in my living room in it a little while ago, I remembered the first time that I wore this shirt. It was the day after the concert and when I walked into science class, a 13 year old punk Cedar (when I say punk, I'm not using it in terms of a subculture. I'm saying she was a punk kid who needed her ass beat) saying to me, "How come all the dorks got to go to the concert and I didn't." And still, I spent all of junior high wishing I was her friend.

Today I feel like a very mean, very horrible person and I don't know why. I just do. And I also feel like I need to reconcile myself to certain people in my life because I feel I am a very mean, very horrible person. But I don't know what the fuck I am supposed to say to these people and they probably don't think I'm mean at all. But right now I feel like a punk kid who needs to have her ass beat. (That can be our theme for tonight.)

The big news on the homefront today is that Brett came out to Erica and I via Yahoo messenger this afternoon. But in all reality, it's not big news. When he said it (typed it, really) I was thinking, "Yeah . . . So . . . I knew that already." See. I'm a bad homo. I don't really care about who's gay and who's not. After informing me of his sexual revelation, he sent me a picture of some random internet loser completely naked in front of his computer with a huge, nasty boner. The boy still hasn't caught onto the fact that there are certain things taht you just don't expose Anna to, that being one of them. Anyway. Now on Friday, I am chaperoning a freaky Brett/Erica movie night. (Chaperoning means that I will pay for the movies and the junk food and drive the boy home at the end of the night.) They've decided we're going to rent Secretary (Erica's pick) and But I'm a Cheerleader (Brett's pick). I fear that the experience will be rather painful and I am afraid to ask anyone else to join me because I don't want to have to feel guilty for possibly ruining anyone else's Friday night.

On a related note (of course, you'd only see the relation if you can read between the lines and pick up on the irrational thoughts buzzing through my head) I cleaned my room today for the first time in . . . I don't even fucking know. All I know is that the whole place was a mad mess of cobwebs and I will be incredibly happy when I get my own place and no longer have to dwell in the basement with the masses of spiders.

I'm going to go to bed now, or at least try to, since I have to be up at the crack of fucking dawn so that Ruby and I can load onto a bus teeming with idiot high school students and embark on a four hour journey to Great America where we will ride roller coasters in the name of physics. It will be a dramatic tale of Ruby and Anna alone in this terrifying world with nothing to protect them but the other's support. If I don't come back from this godforsaken field trip with at least one horrible story to tell, I will be very, very disappointed.

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