
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. Diaryland gets so lonely on the weekends. Everyone seems to have better things to do than update. I do not.

My Friday night was spent having dinner with the family in celebration of my graduation. Nothing like an all you can eat buffet (more for your money is the raionale here) to say "Way to go, Anna." We were sitting right in the middle of the dining area and the entire evening was summed up by Gracie, the three year old, when she stood on her chair like the great victor, belched louder than a forty year old couch potato and giggled out of sheer satisfaction with herself. At some point, I know there will be a fight to get that kid on Ritalin.

My dad also had to comment to me about the flamey guy at the table next to us saying, "I'd bet money that he's gay." First of all, I don't give a fuck. And secondly, it is nothing short of hypocritical to claim to be the accepting father of a lesbian and then scoff at other members of the gay community.

I also became a little irritated when I came upstairs to use the computer and he was on looking at THE PORN. This isn't something that he does in the open, he closes it down and tries to act cool whenever he hears somebody coming. But I know he does it because everytime I use the computer after him, the history has been deleted and because his covering up tactics make him seem very shady and therefore only betray him.

I believe that I have mentioned my disgust with THE PORN before. In general, I am disappointed when those close to me are not equally as disgusted with THE PORN. And those feelings of disappointed are only intensified when the perpetrator of THE PORN is my father.

I would just like to clarify that my dislike of THE PORN is not a moral stand that I take. I'm all for tasteful and artistic erotica, but THE PORN in general with it's base male-centric fantasies and the girls with alien breasts is just pathetic. THE PORN does not sexually arouse me; THE PORN makes me hate Western culture.

I should probably retire for the night since I have to be up and at work at 7:30 tomorrow. And then the afternoon will be spent at Bridget's party which I am not really looking forward to. But I'll be there with Megan and Ruby (provided we can get a hold of Ruby- something that has proven to be a problem in the past) so hopefully it won't be too bad. And if it is bad, the three of us can always leave and find some way to dull the pain.

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