
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. Working in customer service leads you to lose a lot of faith in the human race. There are some people who simply need to be shot. Not murder, but a mercy killing. And not so much for the sake of the slain, but for the sake of the rest of humanity.

I went to work today at seven thirty in the morning to be yelled at for enforcing a return policy that is not at all unreasonable, then yelled at again for the inefficiency of a department that I don't even fucking work in, and then yelled at again by my wench of a manager because of her mistake. I then went to the bank and had to wait in line for ten minutes while a little old lady chewed out the teller because of a bank policy that, once again, was not unreasonable and the teller almost cried. And there was a little voice in the back of my head the entire time begging the rest of me to tell her to shut the fuck up and take her goddamn check somewhere else. But I didn't. I just stood there and tore her apart mentally. And you know it's pretty bad when you have to think about tearing apart a little old lady.

I also spent part of the morning listening to David go on about every other person's inadequecies and his rant about how every one who works at Kmart is incompetent. Of course, everyone except for himself, because . . . Hell, I don't know why he thinks he's so goddamn wonderful. After all, he did drop out of school during the second semester of his senior year. And that was after managing to get kicked out of his house. This is also the guy who got his girlfriend pregnant after cheating on her with her gay male friend, and now David thinks that he is going to be able to take care of his baby, his girlfriend who is no longer working and still go to school to study creative writing because "it's impractical, but what the hell." What the hell? But, hey, maybe he will be able to pull it off once he's given that hefty raise that he keeps demanding. A raise he believes he deserves simply because he thinks he's a fucking god. "If they won't give it to me, I'll just quit. And then what would they do?" Gee, David. I don't know. I mean, the twenty hours a week that you work is pretty critical. That is, when you actually fucking show up. And despite the multiple applications that come in every day, I'm sure they couldn't find someone as fucking wonderful as you to work here. And I'm sure that management would take your ultimatum seriously since quitting would mean you would be homeless and very hungry. Jackass.

And then I had to go and spend a significant part of my spending money from this check on new clothes for work since they changed our goddamn dress code again.

I need to find some way to calm down and release myself from this pissed off zone that I'm in.

And then I need to find some way to amuse myself for this evening.

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