
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. For father's day, I decided to let my dad pick what he wanted to do. I was trying to sort of coerce him into going out to dinner because I really wanted to take him to Tokyo Steak House which is one of those places where the chef comes out and makes everything right in front of you, but he wanted to go to the movies. And that was fine. I decided to bring Erica along too because otherwise she would have been here all alone while my mom took a nap with the babies. That was also fine. Except Dad let Erica pick out which movie we went to because he felt she was more or less an expert since all she does is sit on her ass. This was not fine.

We ended up going to see 2 Fast 2 Furious. [cringe]

I'm very picky about what kind of movies I am willing to sit through and movies about fast cars do not make that list. But it was fucking father's day so I didn't argue.

Right away, I got a little pissy because my sister was being a snot-nosed punk and refused to sit with us. I bought your ticket and your goddamn coke so you better sit close enough for me to share. I don't know why she felt compelled to sit ten rows behind us. There wasn't anyone back there that she knew. She can be such a little shit sometimes.

I'm not sure which part of the movie I liked better: the fast cars wasting precious fossil fuels, the bootylicious ass shots of the girls in hotpants, the fact that every other word out of the white guy's mouth was "bro," or the big guns being shoved in everybody's faces. I was proud of myself for being able to understand the majority of what was being said in Spanish. But I thought that it was a little strange that they used puta (whore) and maricon (fag) quite frequently. I can't remember watching a movie where either of those words were used so often in English unless they held some significance. Apparently it's okay if the majority of America can't understand.

But it was good Dad time. There was a point during the movie where the drug lord pulled out a huge sewer rat, at which point my beloved father shouted, "Oh god, monkey pox!" And then on the way home he turned up the radio so that he could sing along with the Kelly Clarkson song.

I can't help but love that man.

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