
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. Ruby, where are you? I'm trying to get in touch with you because the family is vacating on Thursday and we're going to have another girl night at Anna's house. We (the 'we' being myself, Bridget and Megan) really want you to come and judging from your recent paranoia, I would venture to say that you could use the time in a Ben-free environment. If I don't talk to you before Thursday, I'll be in absolute anguish. Well . . . not really. But it will probably be a little awkward if you're not there because then it will only be the three of us and Megan will be showing up a little late after Bridget and I have spent some alone time and I fear that she will be a third wheel left to sit alone and revel in our sexual tension. That would be bad.

I am in the middle of a rather tense family situation right now. My dad is really being an asshole and, to add a little more color to the situation, he's going to be on vacation all this week. This is also the first week of my mother's summer vacation because she finished with school on Friday and my 9 year old sister, Jenna, is visiting for two weeks. I think it's pretty safe to label Jenna as the 'weird kid' in the family. I can't tell you exactly what it is about her that makes her a little strange, she just is. If you talked to her for five minutes, you'd know exactly what I mean. Prepare yourselves for many "Damn my family" rants to appear in the near future.

I had a lovely little snooze-button dream about Bridget this morning. We were sitting in a church pew in the middle of an empty sanctuary just talking. I was wearing exactly what I was sleeping in (a burgundy camisole and black boy shorts). That was it. And I don't know what the hell we were talking about, but it must have been nice, because I woke up feeling incredibly pleasant. I have no intention of telling Bridget about my dream even though she always tells me about her dreams and I always think they're really cute.

Bridget has made me realize that I am not an open person. She always wants me to tell her what I'm thinking or feeling whenever we're trying to figure things out, I can't. I am not a 'sharer.' And I have told Bridget about this and, because she is wonderful, she acknowledges that the whole sharing thing is really hard for me and she is patient. I'll listen for hours while another person bares their soul to me, but I am not willing to do the same. So this is the new aspect of myself that I'm trying to improve.

I probably won't get very far.

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