
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. From June 1st: Whenever I see [Ben], he immediately makes eye contact and smiles, and he continues to glare at me until I pass. (Excessive eye contact kind of freaks me out.) He just keeps staring at me all the time and I feel obligated to say something and I'm not good at that shit. And then I think that maybe it's a creepy "I will eat your liver and keep your head in my mini fridge" sort of stare/smile. He's so fucking weird.

Holy shit, he does want to eat my liver. Ben came into work today looking for the Terminator 2 video display with the blinking red eyes that he was promised by our manager and felt the need to start talking to me. Talking I can handle, but he caught me off guard and asked me if I wanted to do something. I immediately started freaking out because I have no idea how to deal with creepy boys. So I lied to him and told him I was working right away in the morning so I couldn't do anything tonight. So he asked about tomorrow night and I told him I didn't know so he's going to fucking call me. Shit. Now I'm going to have a psycho serial killer stalker hunting me down to go see a movie and I'm not sure that I can deal with all of that.

I think that two years ago I might have gone to a gay dance with Ted and Cedar and met up with Ben. But I'm not sure. Maybe Ben remembers. Is Ben gay? I sure as hell hope so because if I end up with a psycho serial killer stalker hunting me down for MORE than a movie, I'm gonna have to leave to state.

I spent my entire shift feeling very upset about the whole thing. More upset than I probably should be. And then when I was driving home, I was thinking about the possibility of hanging out with him and began to consider my mortality for what was probably the first time. I'm not ready to die. I don't want my head in anyone's mini fridge.

Maybe he's not the one that's psycho at all. Maybe it's me.

I'm also upset because I haven't heard from Ruby yet and because I have a huge mosquito bite on my knee and because Grace really is sleeping out in the tent tonight and it might storm.

Deep breath.

Okay. I think I feel a little better.

This will be my 100th diaryland entry. Be sure to celebrate.

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