
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. All of my body parts appear to be intact.

Apparently Ben is not a psycho serial killer, just a very VERY dorky boy with a bit of a crush on Anna. I am feeling simultaneously flattered for being liked and guilt-ridden for being a lesbian who thought he was creepy.

During my night with Ben, I was subjected to two groups of his friends. With the first groups of friends, I went to see Bruce Almighty (skip it) and then we went to a shithole diner where I drank too much coffee and let Ben eat my fries while the other boys told bad jokes about French people. The friends decided they were going to go somewhere where they could make fun of people trying to dance and Ben and I headed to some girl's apartment. I am told that I used to work with this girl, but I don't really remember her and I can't say that I really enjoyed her company, or anyone else who was part of the second wave of friends. But I stayed and sat on her floor with Ben while we watched The Ring (yet another movie that I didn't really like). Ben wasn't impressed either and decided we needed to make a run to the gas station for candy. He seems to require more junk food than I do. When we came back, the first group of friends had showed up since they couldn't find any dancing people and I spent the rest of the movie on the floor with a hilarious guy named Jeff who kept making fun of the girl who's apartment we were at and telling me about his garden. When the Ring was over we started watching the Rules of Attraction, and the third time's a charm cliche fits well. It's a really great movie, but I'm going to watch it again because throughout the night there were sudden bursts of activity and conversation, so I missed some critical parts. And now here I am, finally getting home at 4 in the morning.

On our candy run, I found out that Ben is going to school in the fall (after what he likes to refer to as a two-year education hiatus) for massage therapy. I didn't tell him that I didn't think he'd get a lot of business considering his strange appearance and behavior. But I did point out that he would probably end up touching a lot of nasty people.

Naturally, this conversation ended with him offering to give me a massage whenever I wanted since he would need to have 50 hours worth of time documented before he can become certified. Chances are I won't be taking him up on that.

All in all, it was a good night.

But tomorrow's going to be better.

Happy Birthday, Karl. You're getting so big and I am so proud. [blows a kiss]

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