
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. I've started taking walks every night which is really nice because now I don't have nearly as much trouble falling asleep. And now my mother doesn't give me any shit for never getting off my ass and going outside. The great part about this is that I live in the middle of nowhere so I just pick any road that seems appealing and walk in that direction for twenty minutes or so and then just turn around. It's quiet around here and I'm walking in places where I'm sure as hell not going to run into anyone, so it's just time for me to clear my head. I thought going into this that it would be a good time for me to do a lot of thinking, but I never really think about anything at all. I just enter into a serene, almost meditative state.

Except today I came inches from stepping on a very grotesque, very dead (thankfully) snake. [cringes] Anna doesn't do snakes.

Erica and I went into town to take some movies back and I decided that while we were there, I might as well stop and get my car washed since Gracie has been getting in touch with her artistic side and finger painting with the mud from the driveway. My father thought that this was a waste of six dollars since we are expecting rain any time now and the rain should last for a couple of days. So? Did I miss something? I don't think that rain is going to make my car dirty. It sure as hell won't look as bad after a rainstorm as it did after an afternoon of Gracie. Maybe I just missed something because I don't seem to understand the way Americans treat their cars. It's just a fucking machine.

Bridget is coming over tomorrow and I'm feeling kind of wary about the whole thing. Wary because I am very much in a touch-me sort of mood and I don't want to scare her. (She's a very skittish girl.) And at the same time, she's starting to come around a little bit and so I'm not really sure where the redefined boundaries lie. But I'm tired of waiting for her to call all of the shots. Maybe her mother will loosen her grip for a night and let her stay out a little later. It's no wonder the poor baby has so many issues.

I feel so touched to be the corrupting force in her life.

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