
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. So here's the little mess that I managed to create:

Bridget gets closer and this time, I freak out about it. Granted, the freaking out wasn't just about her. It was about everything being piled on top of me at once and instead of dealing with any of it, I just decided to feel sorry for myself. And in this state of self-pity, I decided to send Bridget a half-crazed email talking about how I was sad and felt like nothing was right and expected her to give me the fucking world. And then the next morning I cried and went for a walk and finally woke up from the sad-girl stupor. And to greet me upon my return to sanity, I found Bridget going "Wait a minute. I'm a little scared now." Jesus fucking christ. So I just spent the last hour composing a lovely little explanation, hoping that I will calm her fears a bit, but my computer is a bastard and I'm not sure if it was sent.

Okay. After you hit the send button, there's a little wait and then the window changes to the "Your message has been sent" screen. But instead of getting that screen, I got the whole "this window cannot be displayed" bullshit. So does that mean that it was sent and the window just didn't come up or that it wasn't sent at all? I'm really worried about this because I feel like I really need to explain myself.

Of course, she's in Chicago this weekend so I won't know for sure if it's been sent or if she's completely freaking out until Sunday night at the earliest. Just great.

This crazy woman from our church sent me a card full of Bible verses and her life story. I'm still not sure what the point of it was. But it included a $25 check for graduation. Sadly, this is the only graduation present that I have recieved aside from my bird and it came in an envelope full of God. That's too much.

I hate nasty drunk middle aged men who ask me if I want to party with them. (No, that is not in any way relevent to any of the above.)

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