
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. My manager can kiss my ass. Especially after the evil shrew made us all stay half an hour later.

"Make sure your smiling and saying hello to everyone. You're the Kmart greeter." [smiles]

Yeah, fuck you.

There is nothing that I hate more than being pressured to smile. It's so cruel. Bastards.

Tonight was a certain degree of horrible. And not just because I was told multiple times to smile. There was more to the whole night that made me hate myself. But I'm letting it go now. [deep breath] There. No more bitching about that.

So every once in awhile my brother's friends pop up on the little msn messenger thing because he never logs off and they start talking to me. Last night this little girl started talking to me and her user name included the word "whore" and she was logged on at midnight. These kids are twelve and I just think that there's something horribly wrong with that. So I told her that she needed to go to be and she told me (typed, really) that I was a bitch. What the hell? They're just babies. And for the past two days my brother has spent at least six hours straight on the goddamn computer talking to his punk-ass little friends. This is not how little boys are supposed to be spending their summers. But of course, he doesn't think he's little. And I know when I was twelve I thought I was a grown-up little shit too. I feel bad for him because he's starting junior high this year and entering into that period of his life where everything is absolute shit without reason. Poor little fucker.

I survived. I'm sure he will too.

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