
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. So it's a little after seven in the morning and I'm just sitting here eating mashed potatoes and drinking coffee before I have to leave for work and reveling in the fact that it is the tenth day in July and I'm wearing a sweatshirt. I feel my best when the sun doesn't bother to come out.

Bridget and I are finally going to get pierced tonight and I'm pretty excited.

I just realized how much I talk about Bridget in this here little diary of mine and then I realized that it's probably because she is the only interesting thing going on in my sphere right now.

Anyway. I'll go on about her some more now. She's starting to integrate words like "relationship" and "love" into her let's-talk-about-us vocabulary and I'm not sure about all of this. Because I really like her, and if she were going to be around for a little longer, I might put some more effort into the whole thing. But as it is, we've got about six more weeks before she leaves and Anna will be left to her own devices again. And the whole thing is just bound to end up in one huge mess. Because I will meet another girl, or worse, Bridget will meet another girl. Or horrendously worse still, Bridget will meet a boy and take one last stab at trying to be straight. And that's not right. I don't need to be left for a man.

I'm really good at being practical and saying that I don't want something that's just going to be a mess when she's not around. But you can be sure that later this evening I will be feeling much different.

And why the hell not invite a huge mess into my life? It'll make things interesting for awhile and give me a few more stories to tell.

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