
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. I've got my pissed-off mama bear face on right now. Actually, there's nothing really maternal about it. Maybe slightly maternal because all of my actions and feelings towards or in the defense of the people that I love are slightly maternal. But we're calling it the pissed off mama bear face because if I saw any one of a certain group of people, I would probably kick their ass for fucking with my girl.

And I'd start with Cassie. Notorious for mixing plaids and being too gay for our inner circle to handle, Cassie is one of those girls who has to make an issue out of fucking everything slightly homo just to show how oppressed she thinks she'd like to be. And apparently she has designated herself the Stevens Point lesbian recruit officer and her new project is Bridget. They played basketball together during the school year and so I guess Cassie called Bridget up and asked her if she wanted to play, and my girl is nice so she went. And while they were there playing with Cassie's little fucking girlfriend sitting nearby just reading, she asked Bridget if she was a lesbian. And when Bridget told her that she wasn't, Cassie started giving her the whole "You'll feel better once you come out" speech and tried to convince her that she was just scared that her parents would turn her out and all of her friends would fucking hate her. And then she tried to convince Bridget that she hated being Catholic and needed to find something new to fulfill her spiritual needs. And while she was at it, she kept telling Bridget that I hated her (Cassie, not Bridget). Before I didn't really give a fuck about her, but now I just think she's a cunt and I want to kick her ass. Bridget was so pissed off and I don't blame her.

Okay. I have to go to work so I'll have to finish this later.

Okay. Back from work.

Anyway. Cassie found out about the whole thing from your friend and mine, Cedar. So I suppose with their gung-ho lesbian forces combined, they think they can perform some sort of hetero-christian intervention and save the girl from her status quo life even though she's pretty happy with things the way they are. I think if I saw either one of them right now, I'd throw something at them. Not for talking about shit they don't know about or trying to recruit the girl. Just for being idiots and misrepresenting the more sane of the lesbian community.

She says she's straight and she's also in love with a girl. And I don't think that there is really anything wrong with that. Labels are only meant to make things less confusing for other people, not for ourselves. But maybe I'm just biased because I don't really care who or what the fuck she wants to call herself as long as she loves me. When it comes down to it, that's really what's important.

I guess there are a lot of other people who are starting to ask questions and make assumptions. Bridget's friends are catching on (even though she doesn't really see it). But she hasn't freaked out yet, and this is good.

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