
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. My family is all home again and I'm not really sure that this is a good thing. Don't get me wrong, I love them all but I just don't think that we should all be living together. It's just too much. So now I'm feeling inspired once again to do everything within my power to get my ass out of this house.

I am down to exactly two weeks of summer left and even less time left to spend with Bridget. And the whole thing just really pisses me off because I just feel worn out and like I have neither the energy nor the motivation to deal with all of this shit. I don't want to have to pay attention to people going on and on about shit that I don't care about. I don't want to always have five million things that need to get done asap. I don't want to only come home to sleep. I don't want to have to read. I don't want to have to write. I don't want to have to think. I don't want to get back into my five hours of sleep chased by a pot of coffee routine. I really just don't want to have to put forth any effort. But I know I'll be happier once I'm there. I think this year instead of just hating summer, I managed to get sucked into the lull of doing absolutely nothing of importance and it's quiet and warm here and I think I'd just like to stay forever. But I figure that it should only take me a day or two to remember that the only place that I really belong is within the confines of the educational system. Yes, I am a nerd and I fucking love it.

I've also come to terms with the whole Bridget thing and so I'm really not worried about it anymore. It'll be . . . fine. Whatever. It doesn't really matter what happens because I know that there's never going to be a point in time where I absolutely hate her and frequently fantasize about inflicting physical harm. And the way I seem to deal with people, I think that's pretty good.

There's a small child screaming right now. And my head really fucking hurts. No, I didn't really miss them.

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