
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. I found Ruby today!

And I ran into Angela and we talked for awhile. Angela is a girl that was we-endure-Spanish-class-together acquaintance. And she always looks really bitchy and I am personally terrified to approach her. But she said hi to me. And despite her daunting aura she's always kind of nice to talk to because the more we talk the more it becomes apparent that we have the same attitude about almost everything. Do I have a duanting aura too?

Now there's only one hot girl left to hunt down from my not-so-distant high school past. Rebecca, where are you?

So before she left Bridget gave me this picture frame that's really three frames hinged together. And on one side there's a picture of just the two of us and on the other side there is a picture of Bridget, Ruby, Cedar and myself on the last day of school. (When she gave it to me she told me she wished that Megan was in the picture and invited me to take a picture of Megan, cut her out and then glue her in Cedar's place. My girl's so damn sweet.) But in the middle there's this crazy picture that Bridget took of herself making some weird ass face with gum hanging out of her mouth. I think I'm the only person in the world who could really appreciate it and I really fucking do. And now when I'm at my desk if I move my head just a little in that direction that picture is the first thing that catches my eye and it just makes me want to eat her up.

It's good to have a girl. And I think you should all go out and get one.

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