
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. Am I shallow if I missed the point of Ruby's joke? Shit.

Today I met with my tutor for this independent writing class that I took and I was a little worried when I first saw him because he looked like a down-home farm boy. But he read that crazy shit that I brought in and really liked it so I'm feeling pretty good about working with him for the rest of the semester. That was one of two things that was good about my day.

Everyday just seems to drag for me. And I'm so fucking exhuasted that I feel like I'm losing my higher level brain functions. But the fact that I'm up writing this here entry after midnight is testament enough to the fact that I don't really intend to do anything about it. I can sleep in this weekend.

Good thing #2 came from Bridget. (Actually, the thing with the tutor was good. The thing from Bridget was to die for.) She sent me a love letter. You know, the kind that you keep forever in a special little box. And the concept is so horribly corny and cliche. But it made me want to melt into her forever. [wistful sigh] I've already started counting down the days until I get to see her again. Now that it's officially Friday, I only have to wait four more weeks.

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