
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. I had to stop writing for awhile because I exhausted my supply of things to say and my brain needed a chance to recuperate. It's making a slow come back.

So as of tonight, I am on vacation from the Big K through next Wednesday. I am elated. I realize that it's probably stupid to expect to be content at work for a majority of the time, but I do. And for the first year and a half of my employment at the great Stevens Point Kmart store #7010, I have been more or less content. But as soon as summer started, chaos broke out and I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for things to go back to normal and they're not. It just keeps getting worse. I'm so sick of these fucking managers who don't know how to do a goddamn thing but have the balls to pretend that they run the show. They're just making a mess and fucking with my system. And then they keep hiring these barely-pubescent idiots who can't find their asses with both hands and they leave them for me to babysit and assume responsibility for when they fuck up. And then when things don't get done, I'm the one who gets in trouble. Well fuck you all.

Some girl turned in an application in which she stated that she was currently working at Target, but was "seeking more opportunities." What fucking opportunities? To increase stress levels? Because I think that's the only opportunity currently available. And why leave Target for Kmart? Target's so sophisticated and clean and they actually have nice things to buy. Kmart has . . . Joe Boxer.

That made me think that maybe I should go work for Target. But I don't think I'd like that either. I've had it with retail because I'm sick of people and their fucking money and everybody being so goddamn stingy. And for what? The people who waste the most time counting their fucking pennies are the people who have the most and who deserve it the least. So fuck all of you rich assholes too.

I don't know what the hell I'm going to do. I could stretch my possibilities and see if I could get something at Land's End or Noel or Sentry. But that sounds like it will only be more rich assholes and more customer service which is really just a euphemism for taking it up the ass for policies you didn't make.

I just want something where I can breathe and I don't really know what the hell that it and I suspect that a job that allows "breathing room" would mean some sort of a pay cut. But at this point, I don't really care . . . or at least, I don't think I care.

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