
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. This entry is dedicated to Mads.

I don't know why I haven't updated in so long. There's really no good reason. I've just been lazy and this laziness has been reaking havoc on my life lately. I've accomplished nothing; I'm just wasting away.

I'm so sick of people that I'm one crowd away from unleashing my inner homicidal beast. Why the fuck can't I just be left alone? I get in my car and there are people all over the goddamn road driving way too slow. I get to work and the place is fucking swarming and everyone wants something from me. I get home and there are people all over my house and then it's fucking trick or treat so there people ringing the doorbell every five seconds. I'll go to school tomorrow and have to deal with even more of these stupid fuckers. I'm going to explode. I hate people.

However, I intend to buy myself some new shoes tomorrow. I think that might prove to be some sort of remedy for all of my frustration.

Last night I talked to Bridget on the phone for two and a half hours which is insane because normally it's a stretch for us to keep a conversation going for an hour. But just as we got to the point where we had updated each other on all the pointless shit in our lives and were lingering in the maybe-we-should-hang-up silence, she started talking about how homesick she is and how she wishes she was still in high school. And I knew that she was feeling pretty bad because she kept saying that she was okay, and the more often she says everything's okay, the more certain you can be that it's not. Then I mentioned that Megan had asked if she was ever going to come home and I had told her no. And Bridget's answer was: "Well, maybe I will. No, it's okay. I just have my days. [long pause] I'm not very happy here." She breaks my heart. My baby's sad.

This, of course, has renewed my hope that she will come back and stay here, where she belongs.

There are only two months until Christmas. What the fuck? That means that I have less than two months of this semester, which is a good thing, but I'm not looking forward to any of this holiday stress at all. I hate Christmas.

I hate everything right now.

I think I'm going to go gorge on left over candy. Maybe that will make me feel better.

This was a really bad entry. I'm rusty.

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