
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. I got the Best of REM album yesterday. It kind of makes me wish that I had come of age in the 80's so I could have been a fan from the beginning. Oh well. At least I was spared the acid wash jeans.

Right now my favorite song is "Orange Crush"

After wasting a shitload of time this afternoon watching MTV, I realized while I was at work that I have to write something to take in for my tutoring session tomorrow. Obviously, I'm getting right on that. What the hell am I going to write about? I have no fucking idea. But I need to get my shit together . . . or just keep wasting time.

"Over my shoulder a piano falls crashing to the ground"

Bridget is coming home next weekend and my parents are going to be gone so she's going to come over and help me watch the babies. And, yes, I will think about what it could be like if we could grow up and still be together and have babies of our own. But I won't bring any of this up for discussion. I'm not stupid.

I have decided that I will bring the sex issue up for discussion over Christmas break. But the thought of it freaks me out because it's just scary-- the possibility of sex, that is, not the discussion of it. For comfort's sake, I may remain chaste my entire life.

A guy at work offered to stick his penis in my ear. So asked if I could stick mine in his. He walked away. Fucking loser.

"It's been a bad day. Please don't take a picture."

I keep getting emails from all these fucking campus organizations telling me about meetings and events and all this other shit. And I don't care. I have no desire to participate in anything. Is that bad?

There are only two things that I would participate in at this point: a knitting circle and a sort of writing group. But I'd only want to be in a knitting circle if I already knew the people and I really liked them all. I'm not all about this idea of meeting new people. That just leads to shallow, frivolous relationships. I don't need any of that crap. I also have a lot of criteria for my ideal writing group and I'm pretty serious about finding people to share writing with because I need some sort of motivation to write, and the criticism of other people works as good motivation for me. But I would have to respect the other people in the group. I couldn't just put up fliers or something looking for people because then you'd just get a bunch of arrogant dicks like Bob, an idiot from my English class who tried to be my friend. Fucker. But it would be so great because we could all get together and eat a little, have some coffee and then work on helping each other work through the kinks in our writing. And everyone in the group would be really serious about writing so they would actually have more constructive things to say besides "Sounds good" or "I don't like it." And I'd call it the Coven, not because it would have anything to do with witchcraft, but because it sounds intense and powerful.

But I suppose if I want it to happen, I have to make an effort to meet people. Fuck.

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