
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. I was supposed to work for someone else today at noon but when I went, there were a ton of people and plenty more coming in and my least favorite person working at the desk so I said 'fuck it' and went home. So now I've go time to waste. Not really. I have a lot of studying to do. I'll get to it.

Last night I had to order retainers for my peircings because after getting a perfect review and a fat raise, my manager told my I have to get clear posts for my facial piercings. If you boiled the whole situation down to one sentence it would be: "The only thing that really needs improvement is the way you look." To which I reply: FUCK YOU. The whole thing is so trite, but I, of course, will comply. I've been really pissed about it all weekend and as I stewed over the whole thing I realized that the reason it pisses me off so much is that I can't stand when other people feel entitled to meddle with what is mine and only mine, like my fucking body. I get angry whenever anyone makes an asshole comment about what's in my face, because it's not theirs to comment on. So naturally being told what I can and can't look like doesn't sit very well at all. And since altering my appearance to suit someone else's wishes is a condition of my employment, I feel like my power over my life has been underminded. And then that got me thinking about the number of people that I work for who were full time and were then made part time and had their benefits slashed and had to shut the fuck up and take it because they didn't have anywhere else to go. Suddenly that all shit about "working for the Man" makes sense. My ultimate goal in life is to say FUCK YOU to all these assholes and just work for myself. In fact, I think I may just take everyone I love to a remote island where we can live free from the burden of all these horrible people.

To salve the obligatory purchase of new jewelry, I also ordered new shoes. Megan thinks my internet shopping habits are crazy. Maybe they are, but I don't care. I hate shopping in regular stores because I hate people. And because I can never find what I want in regular stores. And because we live in central fucking Wisconsin where there is very little good shopping to be had anyway. But mostly it's because I hate people, especially when they're spending money because that's when ugly people get even uglier.

I'm obviously feeling a little jaded right now. But my shoes are in the mail, dammit. It's gonna get better.

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