
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. Time to kill before class. We're talking about Edgar Allen Poe today, so I'm filled to the brim with lust and excitement.

I am also lusting over the Darkness and Megan and Jeff since thier birthday surprise to me is that they're taking me to Milwaukee to see the Darkness. That's a lot more thought than I put into the card game that I bought for Megan for her birthday. They're so fucking great.

I've been up since 7:30 this morning because I took Zane in to be groomed. He looks so handsome. Except I was a little bothered because the groomer kept referring to him as a 'she' when I dropped him off and I didn't bother correcting her because I thought it was trivial and I assumed that she would figure it out was she got to clipping his underside. You would think that a penis would be obvious and unmistakable, but apparently not because the groomer still thinks Zane is female. She kept raving about what a good girl he was. And it's not that I have petty issues about my damn dog's gender being confused. I'm just a little concerned about the groomer's level of intelligence. She obviously didn't excel in biology.

I had about an hour to kill while I was waiting for Zane to be beautified, so I stopped and had breakfast at McDonald's for the first time in years. I got myself and egg mcmuffin and some coffee and sat in a booth in the lonely corner and read my magazine and it was so nice. Of course, since this is my life, a large group of metally handicapped (what the fuck is the term that we're supposed to use for that now?) came in and sat in my area and they were all really excited and having a lot of fun with each other, which I'm glad for because I'd certainly rather that they have fun than be miserable, but they changed the atmosphere from serene to busy, and was really in favor of serenity at that point. Oh well. It was still well-spent alone time.

Okay. I must go be academic now.

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