
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. Immediately after having her hair crimped, my sister threw a goddamn hair clip at my brother, which missed him and which I promptly slipped on, causing me to fall and sustain a wicked case of rug burn on the stop of my foot. It fucking hurts and I need someone to kiss it. Unfortunately, I think the only thing that is going to lend my some kisses is my dog. Too bad. This is yet another reason why crimping irons should have been buried at the end of the 80's-- crimping seems to automatically make girls stupid and stupid girls pose a definite threat to their families and communities as a whole.

In other news, I have been eating non-stop for . . . god only knows how long. And I feel like a nasty, slimy, fat slug who needs to be stepped on and put out of her misery. I wish I could throw up at will, not because I have a disgustingly distorted body image and want to look like a super model, but just because I feel like absolute shit and it seems like a complete purge of all the shitty-ness that I have put into my body is the only way back to normalcy. I'm considering a 24-hour fast followed by a lifetime of being a fruititarian. Actually, I'm not that big on fruit so if I was a fruititarian, I think all I would eat would be musk melon, bananas and orange juice. Hmmmm, that doesn't sound too bad.

They also replaced our dumpy, obnoxious English professor who has missed 2+ weeks of class due to his sleep apnea, inflamed pancreas and other assorted health problems with the professor (who is also my advisor and the department chair) who teaches the other section of the class that I really wanted to take, but couldn't because it didn't fit into my schedule. He's Welsh and he has a wicked mustache and his major area of study is Edgar Allen Poe. So hot.

Last night I finished knitting myself a hat. It's pink and it's uberhot and I am a loser so I've been wearing it all day long. Whatever.

Apparently I didn't get the fucking housekeeping job because no one called me back. I think that if you interview someone and decide not to hire them, the least you can do is face up and tell them. But nobody asked me. Oh well. They can take their toliet brushes and shove them straight up their asses. Of course, not getting this job means that the move-out date is going to have to be rescheduled for some undetermined date in the later future. My new goal is to be in my own apartment by August. This whole thing just fucking sucks.

Speaking of things that suck, Bridget is coming home on Friday for spring break. I forsee emotional turbulence in the little world of Anna. Can you say 'breakdown'? More then anything, I resent her for reducing my to such a pathetic state.

All right. It's after eleven and there is homework to be done.

Damnit. This week is just going to suck. I can tell already.

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