
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. I came home tonight with the intention of watching a movie by myself and found two of my sisters, my brother and my dad wasting precious living room space and watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre. This, mind you, is the third time they've watched it since last night. I'm more than slightly annoyed. I've been told that it will be over soon, but I don't really believe them. The point to focus on in this situation is that in exactly two weeks, I will have my own tv at my disposal and my own living room where I can sit by myself and revel in the solitude. It will be very, very nice. Everyone keeps trying to tell me that I'm going to be lonely, but I don't think they understand the gracious chunk of alone time that I require. It certainly supercedes that of most people.

The other point that I'm trying to focus on this weekend is that the weekend that I am moving into my apartment is also the last weekend that I have to endure my shitty hotel job, because for whatever reason things seem to be working out in my favor for once. The story behind it is as follows: at the beginning of the year, they asked my to train to work in the office at Kmart so that I could help cover vacations in the summer, which I was reluctant to do because I didn't want to have to show up for work at 6:30 in the morning, the woman who was training me scared the hell out of me and I wasn't going to get a raise for it. But out of guilt and passivity, I agreed to do it. I had my last day of training two weeks ago, and then on Tuesday, the office lead was rushed to the hospital for a brain aneurysm. Her first operation went well, but the second time, they operated for six hours and still couldn't repair the damage so now she's in a sort of induced coma until sometime next week when they try to operate again. So it goes without saying that she's either not going to be back to work for a really long time, or she's not coming back at all. This put Kmart in quite the bind and the only easy way for them to get out of it was to get me to quit my other job so that I could work in the office on the weekends. So they're going to guarantee me 40 hours during the summer and 32 during the school year. Hell yeah, I'll give up cleaning toliets for that. And they are probably even going to train me for another position that will get me a quarter raise. I can deal with that.

So now I can afford to have only one job and I won't spend my summer sitting around on my ass the entire time feeling useless and I get to have my Saturday and Sunday nights back. The only draw back, again, is the whole issue of having to be there at 6:30 in the morning, but that's what caffeine is for, is it not? Indeed.

They're still watching their shitty movie. Goddamn them.

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