
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. I have to wait ten more minutes before I can reigister and I have nothing to do so here I sit, waiting for the time in the lower right hand corner of the screen to change to the magic number. Only nine minutes left.

I'm tired. I got five hours of sleep last night because I worked until ten, got home at 10:30, started my homework, finished it all at one, got up at six and was at work again by 7:30. I worked for three hours, came to school and once I'm done with my art history test, I'm trekking my ass back to the Big K. But I shouldn't complain because a.) I volunteered to stay late/come in early and b.) I need (maybe more accurately, really enjoy) the money. The truth is that, aside from just being tired, I really don't mind. I already got all of my reading done for tomorrow and I've studied enough (maybe 15 minutes) to perform adequetly on the art history exam I have at 3.

And I realize that there is really no cohesive conclusion to this, but the magic registration hour is approaching and I must heed its call.

last - next
