
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. Interesting things I've found while packing:

*The bottle of No Doz I thought I threw away while on a let's-be-healthy kick.

*All of the Elvis paraphenilia that I acquired from the age of 10-12 when my granny convinced me that he was really cool.

*The California Raisen Men that were the sum of my inheritance of my grandfather's estate.

*My misplaced Janis Joplin cd.

*Two photo albums of pre-junior high pictures.

*My retainer.

*My portfolio from my senior year of high school which has a ton of research/citation information in it and would have done me a lot of good last semester when I was frantically searching for it.

*$10 worth of $2 bills which I received at various holidays from my great-grandmother when I was little, but never used because I thought they were really special.

*The three or four Barbies that were always my favorites that I decided to stash away when I stopped playing with them.

*The grow-a-girlfriend that Cedar gave me for my 17th birthday.

*A large stash of AA batteries.

*All of the notes from Bridget that she gave me during high school that I thought I had thrown away at the end of the summer on accident when I was cleaning my room. Guess not. I didn't read them, but I kept them. I don't know what that means and I don't really care.

Still missing: My cranberry Covergirl Nailslicks nail polish. Where the fuck did it go?

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