
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. I realized recently that the only thing I think about more than sex is knitting. I do believe that qualifies me as an avid knitter.

In other news, I am now growing an herb garden on top of my refridgerator so that I can make my own pesto.

And I'm going to give the whole vegetarian thing another shot because I don't think I put much effort into it last time. Previously, my only alternative to meat was Ramen, which is neither inticing nor healthy, but I'm determined to do better this time.

I've been listening to nothing but Bob Dylan and Damien Rice since Saturday. That puts you in one hell of a mood. Just makes you want to drink wine and write. Although the song "Volcano" just makes me feel . . . lusty.

I'm going to make an appointment for Zane to be groomed on Friday so that he will look cuter, hopefully making him that much more adoptable, before I finally break down and take him to the humane society. It makes me feel like such a wretched person, but I just can't deal with him anymore.

I'm going to my mom's tomorrow because my aunt is coming up to visit. I really have no desire to spend anytime with my family. I need a break-- a long break. I need a break so badly that I volunteered to work on Christmas.

I need a break from a lot of other things, too.

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