
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. I am now not only ready to go back to school, but I feel like I really need it. There was an article in Jane this month acout grad students who are essentially driving themselves crazy with everything that they're doing for what seems to be very little reward only to end by saying that they wouldn't have it any other way. And it made me think, that's me. The prospect of taking on entirely too much with too little time excites me, because I am an ubernerd and a workaholic. And I feel good about this.

Sarah's National Hugging Day party was good. My fun-level peaked during my second game of whop-pong which was at about 11:30, after which I stopped drinking because for about ten minutes I felt like I had a stomach ulcer and the pain was so bad that I couldn't stand up. Luckily, it went away. We had a birthday cake for Megan, which I think was a good surprise and I pretty much spent the rest of the night sitting around and talking to people and playing cards and by the time I left at 2, I was pretty much sobered up. Nikki called me today to tell me about the rest of her night, and it just made me think that even if I was attracted to Nikki, I would never be able to date someone who got so trashed with a level of frequency that was so much higher than my own. Hey, I'm a prude. But I'm okay with that too.

Regardless, I'm ready for Monday. I'm ready to not be available all the time to just hang out. I'm ready to get up for more than just an uneventful shift at work. I'm ready to be sleep-deprived for a reason. Because (and here comes my sad truth) if I wasn't in school and doing well, then what would I be?

But smart ladies are hot, right? So let's hope that this will do me some good.

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