
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. So after three days of feeling like the walking dead, I do believe I am back in the proverbial game. I'm not used to getting really sick-- usually the worst I suffer is a cold or a sinus infection. So when I get sick, it's generally enough for me to take some Nyquil and get in a good 12 hour night of sleep, and then I'm on the mend. Not so this time, and it was hard to deal with. And it's crazy just how out of whack things can get when you don't do much but sleep for 72 hours. But today I was able to pull an 8 1/2 shift at work, even though I had to take a nap as soon as I got home, and I got my laundry done. Now all I have to do is muster up the energy to take on the massive pile of dishes in the kitchen, bring the litter box back into a state of order and get my fucking homework done.

Kyle called and left me a message while I was sleeping today telling me that he hoped I was feeling better. So sweet.

On an unrelated note, I love my cats. They totally rock. They have become the epicenter of my stress-relief program, and I feel like we have created a nice little family for ourselves. And as the alpha-kitty of said family, I am damn proud of the way that I am raising my babies. While fiesty at times, as all good kitties should be, they are nice, cuddly girls who love each other, and most importantly, me.

Okay. I think it's time to start making up for my unproductivity over the last few days. Or just time to watch some tv.

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