
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. Kyle, I would sooner believe that God exists than that you intentionally lost a game of Jenga to soothe the fragile self-images of your feminine companions. Don't allow yourself to fall victim to the confining expectations of your prescribed gender role. Free yourself from the macho ideal. Also, I wrote you a man-hating poem while I wasn't paying attention during acient Greek philosophy:

"Women lack the instinct to kill,"
he asserts,
only to find himself crippled
by his self-satisfaction
against the bone shattering blow
of her Samurai stare--
blindsided by the insatiable nihilistic desire
of an assassin.

I know you'll keep in mind the fact that my feminine faculties prevent me from composing something as ground breaking as your work. I just can't manage to reach the same depth as "Roses are red/Violets are blue/Freeze Motherfucker/I got you."

By the way, I absolutely adore you.

In other news, I feel like my brain is being sucked out of my head so I have resolved to not watch tv for an undetermined period of time, and am seriously considering having my cable shut off altogether.

I also cleaned my bathroom, and I have been listening to nothing but "Knuckle Down." And since I'm a big fan of making potentially offensive blanket statements, I would just like to say that I think anyone who thinks that Ani DiFranco's earlier stuff is better in its totality than what she is producing now has very little appreciation for artistry and depth.

Alas, less pointless endeavors beckon me . . .

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