
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. After Ancient Greek philosophy, this strange girl who is also in my philosophy of religion class stopped me and talked to me for 20 minutes about an exceedingly weird variety of topics, including her friend's computer problems, her severe learning disabilities, her near failure of freshman English, her landlord and her secret marriage which is taking place over spring break to a man that she hasn't seen in two years and with whom she intends to live in Japan after the end of the semester. What the fuck? The fact that she volunteered that much information about herself in spite of the fact that we've never talked before boggles my mind. I was also filled with the sense that I was getting a picture of the person that my ten-year old sister (the socially inept one who claims to talk to God) will be like when she's older. Not good. I'm going to have to make it a point to walk in the opposite direction of her in the future. I don't have that kind of time to waste on pretending to be nice.

Kyle came and visited me at work today which, despite his incendiary remarks, was a delightful break in my 8 1/2 hours of Kmart blah.

After I got done working, I sat outside with Tania for half an hour while she was on her lunch, and she said some really nice things about me, all of which I felt were genuine. And that's kind of a rare thing for me because usually when people compliment me, I just think it's a bunch of situation-appropriate bullshit that is more or less empty, which is rooted in my own perception of myself. A perception which, I might add, I only recently realized was incredibly self-defeating. It has also only recently occurred to me that it is not utterly narcississtic to think of myself as not being half-bad or to fairly acknowledge my strengths. It seems natural that there would be a gray area between self-deprecation and vanity; however, it is an area that I have ignored, and I think it might be time to wander into this no man's land. I think it's good to demand something from myself, but I might get more accomplished if I didn't always perceive myself as being a failure.

On an unrelated note (perhaps), I ran into the previously mentioned woman from Collins. And I mean this literally. It was one of those weird situations in which two people are simultaneously attempting to pass through the same door from different directions, resulting in a human collision. I made her stutter and blush. And while I'm still inclined to think that any part of me that is drawn to her is done so out of a sort of desperation, this blushing and stuttering made me feel very good about myself.

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