
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. I do believe I just had a brilliant moment. Okay. Perhaps it wasn't brilliant, but it was damn good. And I do believe it will blossom into a kick-ass topic for the research paper that I desperately need to start working on for my philosophy seminar. Rock on.

I just checked all of my registration stuff and not only found that my new english advisor had already been updated, but that my father also paid the second half of this semester's tuition which I was a little worried about. He didn't pay my registration deposit, but whatever. I can handle that much. I have to pay to register for the summer session anyway so that I can get this goddamn comm class out of the way. More asinine GDR bullshit. Oh well.

Kyle's party is tonight and will be my kick-off to spring break because I don't have classes on Friday--just tutoring, which is nothing. And then Sarah is throwing the St. Patrick's Day Party that Kyle refused to throw tonight so that will be the kick-off to the more official spring break. I'm looking forward to next week, even though I agreed to work on my birthday so that Lori could go out of town. I still have Monday and Tuesday off, so I think I'm going to do some serious cleaning and then use the rest of the time for a hard-core writing marathon. And then there will be my birthday on Thursday and Tania's going-away party on Friday and the wedding with my mom on Saturday (blah to that one--still have to go shopping for something presentable to wear which is an even bigger blah) and a lot of work, which will be beneficial for my bank account. Other than that, I'm just gonna chill with the kitties.

I need a break. I'm glad it's here.

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