
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. I kicked it with Sarah tonight. We ate pizza together and watched Cops, and then we sat up in her crazy loft for three hours or so listening to Slipknot (I know Ben is shaking his head) and doing homework. This homework business, of course, was more in theory than it was actuality. We both proved to be too distracting for each other, so we spent most of the time swapping stupid, random stories about stupid, random things, but it was fun. And I managed to get through enough of my sources for my paper to be at the point where I'll be able to sit down tomorrow afternoon and just start writing my damn paper. I am still confident that I will finish this damn thing by tomorrow night, although I may just be crazy. Whatever. Tonight was worth it though. It was the first time that Sarah and I have hung out together, just the two of us, so it was good bonding time. She wants me to go to Ozzfest with her and Christina this summer. So far, I can't think of a good reason not to.

This has been a really good weekend because it's been fun, although relaxed. And hopefully I'll get my goddamn paper done so that I can say it was also productive.

And I'm really glad Megan finally updated.

What the hell. I should be sleeping.

last - next
