
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. I haven't updated in 42 days. And in that time, I can assure you I have done absolutely nothing of import.

They gave me a new job at work without asking me if I was interested. I found out about it not in a one on one meeting with our manager but in a mass anouncement put up in the break room. I have no idea what it entails or what kind of changes it means for my schedule. This is what we like to call 'typical' at Kmart.

I'm on a big Tegan and Sara kick right now. I've got So Jealous in my car, This Business of Art on my computer and If It Was You in my stereo. Those girls are so hot.

I actually came across of couple of pretty hot girls this weekend which was nice not because I really got anything out of it but because the landscape is so dire around here that just seeing a girl that who's got what I'm looking for gives me hope that I won't be alone for the rest of my life. It also confirms that what I refer to as the prison effect (in short, a feeling of attraction to men in the absence of attractive lesbians) is just that and not some repressed bisexuality. Whatever.

I'll follow Kyle's quirky lead and post my class schedule for the forthcoming semester for no reason at all:

Creative Writing MW 9:30-11
Rhetorical Theory TR 3:30-5
Linguistics MTR 2-3
Feminist Philosophy TR 5-6:15
Ethnic Lit W 6-8:30

Plus Independent Writing and the meetings for my internship with Mo on Mondays and tutoring on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. But I'm convinced that it's going to be a good semester.

"dressing bad is like loving you/there is nothing I haven't worn . . ."

last - next
