
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. The master procrastinator is at it again--already.

I have actually done some homework this weekend, though. I finished my transcript for linguistics on Friday and then did the rest of my linguistics homework on Saturday. Part of that particular assignment asked to answer questions about the following statement: "Repent, squirrels! Repent you evil, fornicating squirrels!" What the hell? I also finally got around to filling out my financial aid forms so that I can hopefull get some money to go to Japan in the summer. That, however, is just one step in one much larger pain-in-the-ass process. Now I just have to write something to take to my session for my independent writing class and then something else for my creative writing class.

"What is imagination and what activities are you involved in that stimulate your imagination?"

Rampant masturbation.

Work is kind of overwhelming right now because I'm behind on the projects that I have to do which means we're "in the red," which is grounds for getting yelled at. Of course, these undone projects are inherited from Jane, so I haven't been yelled at and don't really expect to be any time soon, but I don't think that I'm going to be able to catch up on them this week because two of them are pretty huge. And although I know that I'm doing what I can, it still bothers the hell out of me becuase I'm neurotic and I can't stand the thought of being so behind on something that is my responsibility now, even if it isn't my fault that things are done. I may be a procrastinator, but I get all my shit done. Plus I was just pissed at work today because I had to put up with Carol's usual crap and then Nikki calling me over and over again from Marshfield, completely drunk. Whatever.

I also have my first meeting with my coop advisor which means that I have to pretend that I have some idea of what it is that I want to work on this semester. Blah. All I want to do is watch tv.

And bake some banana muffins.

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