
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. I think I may have taken on too much this semester. 16 credits, 30+ hours at work, tutoring, taking care of Sarah on Fridays, an independent research project. I'm going out of my mind, but there isn't anything that I want to give up (although in the case of work, it's a matter of not being able to give it up). And when I say I'm going out of my mind, I don't just mean that I'm tired and stressed. I mean that I keep having these moments which are not my standard emotional breakdowns, but rather more of a physical feeling of everything swirling around, as if I was in the center of my own personal tornado. And sometimes I am just completely out of it. I wandered around the grocery store for half an hour today, not because I couldn't find what I wanted or remember what I needed, but because I was lost--mentally aware, but very lost and feeling out of touch and I had no idea what it was that I was doing. And this all makes me think: Holy shit, Anna, you're fucking going crazy. And I just don't need that in my life right now.

We've started talking about difference feminism in my philosophy class which just irritates me because I've got huge problems with difference theories.

I also had my first rhetorical theory exam which was major crap. It was one of those nightmarish tests that professors who are bad lecturers write--one of those tests with multiple short answer questions pertaining to a topic mentioned in passing in a class discussion that was horribly unorganized and largely incomprehesible. Luckily, half of the test grade is based on a written, take-home portion which I feel pretty confident in. And it's not even like I bombed the short answer part of the test either. I think I did as well as all the other people who put in the effort to study, although it doesn't seem like there were too many who bothered to put in that much and I'm sure they bombed it.

My other source of irritation today was my new tattoo (Megan and I got matching dragonflies). I love the tattoo itself, but it's on my right wrist which I've now realized is a sort of high-impact area of my body. And I'm clumsy and careless in general so while I was at work this morning I kept banging it against things and brushing it against cardboard and paper and all kinds of other shit. So of course, it has been extremely pissy with me all day long and showing it's unhappiness through a lot of pain. You'd think I'd learn after the first or second bump to be a little more cautious, but of course, I don't.

Megan, I think one year for Halloween we should go as wrestlers and call ourselves Megadeath and the Annihilator.

Ashley tried to convince me today that 'exuberance' was spelled with an H.

"Isn't it ex-huberance?"

No, Ashley. What the fuck?

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