
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. I went shopping for Cabbage Patch Dolls tonight (Sarah's Christmas present) which turned out to be a far more intense process then I had expected. Ultimately, it came down to having to choose between Randall Benjamin and Maureen Nanci. Seriously tough choice. The thing is . . . I heart Cabbage Patch Dolls. I think they're frickin' adorable, but they're also really '80s (which is awesome). Furthermore, you can always find boy dolls and they all have sweet-ass names (like Agnes Maude, which is my favorite for the night). I've seen a lot of people collecting old dolls that were popular when they were children-- like Blythe dolls-- and sort of fixing them up and making them new clothes and shit. Which makes me think, why not get some original Cabbage Patch Dolls off of ebay and knit them some shiny new sweaters? But the whole concept seems really creepy to me, so I'd never do that. I'll just buy them for my little sister. I ended up getting Randall Benjamin. Sometimes I wish I was three years old . . .

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