
. .
. . just fucking charming .
. I've really needed to talk to my mom since Sunday--not about anything in particular, just to talk to her. And tonight I finally did get to talk to her and it was so nice. I didn't really expect it because I called to leave her a message about picking Sarah's car seat up. She's usually in class on Wednesday nights so I expected to end up talking to one of my sisters, but she answered. She even talked to me for an hour even though it was 10 and she usually goes to bed around 8 or 9.

I decided to say 'fuck it' to Japan, not because I don't want to go there, but because I feel like the program that I would be signing up for is structured in such a way as to seriously contradict with my personality. It would involve constant interaction with others with little autonomy or down-time. And I don't roll like that. I need to be left alone and I need to be able to do what I want to do. I was really worried that when I told my mom this she would still want me to go, but she agreed that it would definitely not be something that I would enjoy and that it wasn't worth giving up the majority of my summer for. I love her. So now I'm thinking that I might just sign up for one of the three-week trips to England for the summer after I graduate which would be something that would be a nice graduation gift to myself. And it would be the type of program that would definitely be something that I would enjoy.

I also mentioned that I wanted to get rid of my landline and finally get a cell phone. I've resisted the cell phone so far because I keep thinking that it is one of those things that I don't need at all, but it's becoming a huge pain in the ass to not be able to get in touch with anyone or have them get in touch with me when I'm at work or on campus (which is the majority of my day). And my mom told me that she could just add me to her plan since she uses not even a third of the minutes that she has every month. I thought this was a really awesome idea, thinking that splitting the bill for a plan would be a lot cheaper, but then she told me that there would be no splitting taking place--that she would just pay the whole thing. She won't even let me pay the extra $10 or whatever it is a month to add the second line. And her justification for this is that she's paying for it anyway and that by adding me to the plan she just knows that she's getting her money's worth. What the hell? My mom is awesome. She's rockin' my world right now because getting rid of the land line and not having to pay for a cell phone is going to save me almost another forty bucks every month. I won't have internet access from home anymore, but it's not like I don't have ample access on campus both during and between semesters. Two thumbs up for Mom.

I went with Donnie today to go get his nipple pierced. He made me hold his hand and he screamed. It was adorable and I feel that our friendship has been cemented by the experience. I love him.

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